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Works cited, bibliography, discography, acknowledgements

Works Cited

Anderson, Christa Smith. “A First Lady in a False Kingdom: a curious convergence on White Top Mountain.” Oxford-American  67 (Winter 2009)

Becker, Jane. Selling Tradition: Appalachia and the Construction of an American Folk, 1930-1940. Chapel Hill: University of NC Press, 1998: 37

"Buchanan, Annabel Morris," Dictionary of Virginia Biography, eds. Sara B. Bearss, John T. Kneebone, J. Jefferson Looney Brent Tarter, and Sandra Gioia Treadway. Richmond, VA.: The Library of Virginia (2001): 363-365 (22 October 1888-6 January, 1983)

Cantwell, Robert. “Feasts of Unnaming: folk festivals and the representation of folklife,” Online. (accessed: 1/18/2021).

Cohen, Ronald. A History of Folk Music Festivals in the U.S.: Feasts of Musical Celebration. American Folk Music and Musicians Series (Book 11). Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2008.

Crawford, Bruce. “Folk Music at White Top,” New Republic, 76 no. 978 (30 Aug., 1933): 74-75.

Lewis, Helen Matthews and Rich Kirby. “All That is Native and Still Undefined: a response to David Whisnant.” In Appalachia Inside Out / editors, Robert J. Higgs, Ambrose N. Manning, Jim Wayne Miller ; associate editors, Laura L. Higgs ... [et al.], v. 2, Culture and Custom. Knoxville : University of Tennessee Press, c1995

Malone, Bill C. and David Stricklin, Southern Music / American Music. Lexington, KY: University of Lexington Press, c. 1979; revised and expanded, 2003.

Bill C. Malone. “Music.” In High Mountains Rising: Appalachia in time and place, edited by Richard A. Straw and H. Tyler Blethen. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c2004.

“Real Southerner and the White Top Folk Festival,” The Southern Literary Messenger, 1 No. 6 (June, 1939): 404-406

Rothery,Agnes. “Music in the Air.” In Virginia, The New Dominion. New York, London: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1940.

Southern Folk Ballads, Volume II: Ballads—Stories in Song—of Murderers, of Mexican-Americans, of Cajuns, of the Supernatural, of Humor, and of Child-Heroes, American Folklore Series, M.K. McNeil, General Editor. Little Rock: August House Publishers (1988)

Sturgill, Mark. “First Lady Visits White Top.” New River Notes. Online. Accessed: 1/18/2021.

Troubetzkoy, Ulrich. “Music on the Mountain.” Virginia Cavalcade, 11, No. 1 (Summer, 1961): 4-11.

Whisnant, David E. All that is native & fine : the politics of culture in an American region. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c1983

___“The White Top Festival: What We (Have Not) Learned.” Presented at the Virginia Highlands Festival, Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center, August 6, 1998. Online  Accessed 1/18/2021.

___“White Top Folk Festival.” Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. Charles Reagan Wilson & William Ferris, coeditors ; Ann J. Abadie & Mary L. Hart, associate editors. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c1989: 1089

“White Top To Be Fiddlers’ Mecca: Old time musicians prepare to enter contests—new features announced,” Abingdon Journal-Virginian, July 6,1933 (Reprinted in the Abingdon Virginian, August, 1998).

Williams, Michael Anne. “Festivals, Folk.” Encyclopedia of Appalachia, Rudy Abramson and Jean Haskell, eds. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press c. 2006: 861.

Wolz, Lyn, "Annabel Morris Buchanan: Folk Song Collector," Ferrum Review, Number 5 (Fall, 1982): 27-34


"White Top Festival Recordings August 16-17, 1935" Recorded by John and Alan Lomaxon behalf of the Library of Congress, American Folklife Center:
Parts of five discs, numbered AFS 550-551, 649b1,651a, and 652, Collection: AFC 1935/002
Recordings by Richard Chase (1939):
Discs AFS 3426-3432,Collection: AFC 1939/018
Search AFS numbers using online catalog:

Dedicated to the memory of Annabel Morris Buchanan—real American—real Southerner—progressive Southern woman (and fellow Texan)

Note: Published as: The White Top Folk Festival: Too Traditional or not Traditional Enough? Historical Society of Washington County, VA. Bulletin, Series II, No. 53, 2016, by William Stein: White Top Folk Festival 1931-1939 


Thanks to James Hagy and Susan Brown for editorial assistance and to David Winship for sharing his personal notes and collection of White Top memorabilia.

Works cited, bibliography, discography, acknowledgements